Real-time traffic control
DYNA B615 new generation data logger, a device designed with the conception of developing multiple and different traffic data control applications.
Capable of collecting, storing and sharing traffic data to improve mobility and networks, the new DYNA B615 has access to multiple related devices to collect data such as weight, speed, volume, etc. and manage them for any application.
A traffic light or a luminous signal placed next to the scale automatically warns violators to deviate to the place where they are going to be charged the fine or the traffic officer is going to make a new check. On the other hand, vehicles that are not overloaded and have not committed any type of infraction are directly directed to the exit.
If a vehicle does not follow the traffic light indications and does not turn off, the camera placed in the exit lane takes a picture of the vehicle and an alarm signal appears in the traffic officer's software as a warning / violation.
A second scale with the low or medium speed system is installed near the control room to control and stop the vehicle if necessary.
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